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about Scroll Bar

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:07 pm
by abood1987
Hi Serkan

I do not know if there is a problem or not. What happens is if the scroller is activated, it will cause a problem if it is pressed anywhere on it .......... There will be a problem with its appearance .

Re: about Scroll Bar

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:07 pm
by Serkan
I think you mean window scrollbars , there is no problem with them actually they behave as they should
the controling scrollbars is made in the events of OnHScroll and OnVScroll and intended to be made by end user (SDStudio users)

But like mentioned before event system is not finished therfore enabling scrollbar properties makes them visible but controling is not possible yet
As of the autoresize feature issue which was not solved for sometime , AutoResize feature is incompatible with scrollbars as well
because when the window is resized ,what we will do ,update scrollbars or resize controls ?

maybe scrollbars will automatically setup and only position change will be reported with the events

All of these will be fixed soon